Most Watched Movies by List Challenge Users, Ranked Statistically (1)
Not totally scientific, but I took the top 60 List Challenge lists of a general nature; e.g., IMDB lists, Favorite Films, Movies to See before You Die/See at Least Once, Tops/Greatest All Time, Most Watched/Popular, all with a User base of at least 14,000, and tabulated a total sum of each movie's % of users value taken from each list's Stats tab. The films were then ranked in order, highest to lowest, based on their total % sum. I did not use lists that were limited to a specific time frame; e.g., just the 1980's or even the list with highest number of users, "75 of the Most Popular Films of 1980-1995," since it limits itself to only 15 years of movies. Some may argue this method, and I will publish a 2nd list ranked by total number of users, calculated by taking each list's user % times the list's user base. Should be interesting to see the Stats tab of these lists.
1,542 users
avg. score: 102 of 150 (68%)
required scores: 1, 78, 99, 114, 128