So here's another publishing imprint only I and your grandmother's dog seem to have heard of: the texts and translations of the Modern Language Association of America. I liked Duras' 'Ourika' well enough to pay attention to the publication list at the back, and only including the English editions made it short enough. If you've only even heard of a single included work, consider yourself a connoisseur of translations: goodness knows I don't come across these editions all that often, much to my newly born chagrin.
P.S. Rosie Lighters/Hitlersorgies, Chadman, I don't care how many times you press the funny colored screen. Your scores on my lists mean nothing.
P.P.S. Wow is List Challenges unfriendly to any publisher that can't afford a viable Internet presence these days. Sure hope the ad revenue is worth the literary suffocation.