Massive Millennial Nostalgia Iceberg (REMASTERED)
- Page 28
So, 2 years ago, I made a Millennial Nostalgia Iceberg with a ton of things that Millennials aka people who were born in 1981-1996 would probably feel nostalgic for. But, I remade the Iceberg a few months back because I wasn't a huge fan of the original Iceberg, because there were a lot of mistakes and double entities, so I made a remaster version of it in July of this year with pretty much the same entries as the original, expect for some entities that were in the original that I didn't really felt like fit in the remaster version. I also added new entries when I researched movies and shows that came out in the 80s and 90s, and some users proposed entries for me. Also, I based this Iceberg ranking based on 2 nostalgia Icebergs, one for Gen Z and one for Gen Alpha made by a user on Iceberg NightOwl19, so shout-out to him. Also, for some odd reason, it won't let me put the link for my Iceberg in the link box, so that's a bummer.
avg. score: 323 of 1113 (29%)
required scores: 1, 59, 216, 383, 583