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Marvel Comics of the 2000s - Page 22

The 2000s were a radical time for Marvel comics, and every few years would see big changes in the landscape due to the precarious position they were often in financially. The decade was dominated by both the X-men and Spider-man (as both had successful movie franchises at the time), and with this success Marvel was willing to try some new things with them.
Manga also emerged as a direct competitor to comics, so Marvel tried cashing in on the hype with a slew of teen-oriented books, and hiring lots of Asian-inspired artists. They would also start the Soleil line, publishing French anime-inspired comics.
Event comic also really became cash cows in this decade, what with the success of Civil War leading to a new company-wide event launching every six months or so after.
The Ultimate line was also launched, reinventing old characters for new readers, and sold like gangbusters (before imploding at decades end). The MAX line of adult-oriented books found success in the Punisher as well.
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avg. score: 70 of 850 (8%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 52, 222 

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