I sifted through the 770+ movies/shows that I rated on IMDB and that have the 'action' tag to find what I like most in that genre. And I decided to concentrate only on movies. No shorts or shows.
I excluded everything that requires some form of pre-existing knowledge to be fully enjoyed. So stuff like Advent Children, Aliens and MI: Fallout were out. Fury Road toes that line but I think that one works perfectly fine without having seen the old movies.
Also movies that are great but not first and foremost action movies like Inception or Blade of the Immortal. That point is even more subjective than the other, but I wanted to trim down my list to ten entries.
Honorable mention to The Raid 2. I think as an action movie it is superior to everything (except Fury Road) but watching that without knowing the first one must be extremely unsatisfying.
There is no particular order.
Enjoy :)