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Listverse's 20 Brilliant Novellas You Should Read

The novella is the stepchild of literary genres. It’s too long for a short story and too short for a novel. Publishers look down on them because they are hard to sell. There is even confusion about what the word really means. Literally, it’s Italian for a “little novelty.” Originally the word was used for tales in frame stories like the Arabian Nights and Boccaccio’s Decamerone. However, in its modern meaning it’s a prose narrative of intermediate length. Although there is no consensus, this length ranges roughly from 20,000 to 40,000 words, or in an average publication something between 60 and 120 pages. You can finish a novella in one or two days without reading diagonally or skipping pages. Compared to a short story there is more room to develop round characters and an interesting plot. The main difference with a novel is that it centers around one main character and it has no subplots.
794 users · 4,810 views
from · made by Lucas Garibaldi
avg. score: 6 of 20 (30%)
required scores: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 

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The Third Man - Graham Greene (1949)
The Third Man - Graham Greene (1949)
Candide - Voltaire (1759)
Candide - Voltaire (1759)
Breakfast at Tiffany'S - Truman Capote (1958)
Breakfast at Tiffany'S - Truman Capote (1958)
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket - Honoré De Balzac (1829)
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket - Honoré De Balzac (1829)
Three Blind Mice - Agatha Christie (1948)
Three Blind Mice - Agatha Christie (1948)
The Royal Game - Stefan Zweig (1942)
The Royal Game - Stefan Zweig (1942)
Bonjour Tristesse - Françoise Sagan (1954)
Bonjour Tristesse - Françoise Sagan (1954)
Billy Budd - Herman Melville (1891)
Billy Budd - Herman Melville (1891)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
The Time Machine (H.G. Wells)
The Time Machine (H.G. Wells)
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy (1886)
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy (1886)
Of Men and Mice - John Steinbeck (1937)
Of Men and Mice - John Steinbeck (1937)
Ethan Frome - Edith Wharton (1911)
Ethan Frome - Edith Wharton (1911)
The Turn of the Screw - Henry James (1898)
The Turn of the Screw - Henry James (1898)
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (1915)
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (1915)
Death in Venice - Thomas Mann (1912)
Death in Venice - Thomas Mann (1912)
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway (1952)
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway (1952)
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens (1843)
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens (1843)
Animal Farm - George Orwell (1945)
Animal Farm - George Orwell (1945)
The Kreutzer Sonata - Leo Tolstoy (1889)
The Kreutzer Sonata - Leo Tolstoy (1889)
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