List of the Movies Karen Watched in 2021
Hi, here is a list of the movies I watched in 2021. I watched 174 unique films this year. 49 I watched in the theatre, 10 I watched on dvd and the rest online. 5 films I watched twice this year (Monster Hunter, Shadow in the Cloud, Nobody, Raya and the Last Dragon, Those Who Wish Me Dead) so I actually watched 179 films in total. 117 unique films I watched for the first time, 57 were movies I have watched previously. I live in New Zealand so some of our 2021 theatre released movies were actually released in 2020 in other parts of the world but took a while to release here. Even with Covid I've watched films at 7 different theatres this year. Event Cinema's: Westfield Newmarket & Queen St, Newmarket Rialto, Embassy Wellington, The Light House, Hoyts EntX, Takaka Village. In person I attended 1 Film Festival (Resene Architecture and Design) and took part in several online festivals (Jewish, German, Short Film, NZIFF) too.
avg. score: 28 of 173 (16%)
required scores: 1, 11, 19, 27, 43