List of Animated Movies Which Can Teach Us Something for Real
While children's movies are silly, fun and enjoyable overall, they also usually teach life lessons as well. Although all of them have some magic, imaginary world, some of them are staying until the end with the message that good people just get all right at the end. In real life, it's more complex than that, and since a child doesn't know that yet, its very important a choice of movies and understanding them well. Hidden within the catchy songs and great animation are important lessons about friendship, love but also something bigger, that going for what you believe is right, treating animals well, being brave, how to deal with lost, being aware of the importance of nature, even understanding diseases and death in a good way. And showing little girls that they can be whatever they want regardless of their gender or look. They can do great things even though they are NOT princesses.
avg. score: 28 of 67 (41%)
required scores: 1, 17, 25, 31, 38