Last Ten Albums Vol. 82
1. 'Korosu', 'Dyna-Soar', 'Soft Edge', 'Death Valley', 'Kane - The Bell Tower of a Sign'
2. 'Supermodel', 'Doves in the Wind', 'Drew Barrymore', 'Broken Clocks', 'Pretty Little Birds'
3. 'Colossus', 'Never Fight a Man With a Perm', 'I'm Scum', 'Love Song', 'Rottweiler'
4. 'One Inch Man', 'Phototropic', 'El Rodeo', 'Catamaran', 'Spaceship Landing'
5. 'Drunk in Love', 'Partition', 'Mine', 'Heaven', 'Blue'
6. 'Lies of Serpents, A River of Tears', 'To Think of You Is to Treasure an Absent Memory', 'A Fall Farewell', 'Fifteen Rhema', 'The Latter Rain'
7. 'Sugar Coated Sour', '43% Burnt', 'The Running Board', 'Calculating Infinity', '4th Grade Dropout'
8. 'Spinning Song', 'Bright Horses', 'Waiting for You', 'Sun Forest', 'Hollywood'
9. 'Dancing On My Own', 'Indestructible', 'Love Kills', 'Call Your Girlfriend', 'U Should Know Better'
10. 'Quote Unquote', 'Egg', 'Stubb - A Dub', 'My Ass Is On Fire', 'Love is a Fist'
avg. score: 2 of 10 (17%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5