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Las 25 Novelas Favoritas Del Siglo XXI En Español Según Alberto Olmos

Alberto Olmos (Segovia, 1975) es escritor y columnista. Ha publicado nueve novelas, entre las que destacan Trenes hacia Tokio (2006), Alabanza (2014) o Irene y el aire (2020). Su primer libro de relatos se tituló Guardar las formas (2016), y su primer ensayo, Vidas baratas: elogio de lo cutre (2021). Es premio Ojo Crítico RNE de Narrativa (2009) y I Premio David Gistau de Periodismo (2020). Escribió y locutó el podcast sobre literatura Todo está en los libros (2022)
Alberto Olmos (born 1975) is a Spanish writer. Born in Segovia, he studied journalism. He published a total of eight novels to date; his debut novel A bordo del naufragio was nominated for the Premio Herralde.
Besides being a successful novelist, Olmos was a pioneer of the Spanish-language literary critique on the internet. He wrote for the newspapers El Mundo, El País and ABC and the journals Qué Leer and Granta en español. In 2010, he was included in Granta magazine's "Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists" list.
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required scores: 1, 4, 8, 11, 15 

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