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Kiki's Challenge: Best Animated Film Per Year - Page 4

From Kiki Diarmit @
CHALLENGE: Pretend you're an old cinephile who has seen 1000s of animated films over the years. Suddenly you're told your movie collection can only contain one ANIMATED title from each year??? How would you narrow it down in those years that had several films you love? Even more challenging is the fact that you've only been given 20 minutes to pare-down your library! I tried this exercise and it was much harder than I thought it would be! At any rate, these are the choices I made. What would your picks be? How many of these films have you seen???
67 users · 695 views
made by BettyWho
avg. score: 42 of 123 (34%)
required scores: 1, 23, 34, 47, 60 

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The Mysterious Portrait (1899)
The Mysterious Portrait (1899)
The Four Troublesome Heads (1898)
The Four Troublesome Heads (1898)
Poor Pierrot (1892)
Poor Pierrot (1892)
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