You may think I'm crazy but I'm a massive, massive Bon Jovi fan. Have been for about 12 years and gotten some amazing memories from it, including seeing Jon Bon Jovi live front row and meeting him after the show; on a cruise, in the Bahamas. This list is my personal collection of CDs, vinyl, cassettes, digital albums, EPs, and singles I own from the band and the solo members.
1-54 Main discography and alternate editions
55 Unofficial CD
56-75 CD/Casette singles
76-85 Vinyl singles
86-89 Vinyl EPs/Limited releases
90-91 Unofficial digital albums
92-96 Official digital albums/digital downloads
97-118 Solo member albums/singles (includes David Bryan's Broadway show soundtracks)
119-126 Soundtrack appearances by band or solo
127-141 Compilation appearances by band or solo
142-162 - Collaborations with other artists. Whether songwriting credits, duets, or instrumental features by any member.