Hors d'oeuvres, Canapés, & Appetizers
Whether it be in a fine dining restaurant, a pub, or your local Outback Steakhouse, some of the best food isn't found in the menu under main courses. At a cocktail party, wedding reception, or corporate event, the tastiest bites are found at the end of a toothpick, circulating around the room on a serving platter. Many of the world's greatest cuisines have contributed amazing small dishes to the world of Hors D'Oeuvres, Canapés, & Appetizers - Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, and of course, the French, to name a handful. This is a list of 100 of the best appetizers and hors d'oeuvres, representing those cultures and others.
1,247 users
avg. score: 53 of 100 (53%)
required scores: 1, 35, 48, 59, 71