Heartbreaking Movies You Should Never Watch Alone
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We are not robots. We feel things. We can't survive on comedic bromances and CGI-ed action sequences alone. We like our joy, but we need our sadness, too. It's not about wallowing in misery. It's about getting lost in a story that captures the full human experience, with all of its highs and lows.
A good drama hits you right where it hurts, whether it's Blue Valentine's broken romance or Fruitvale Station's sense of injustice, or Kramer vs. Kramer's parental strife. If these cinematic tear-jerkers don't have you crying, keening, and curling up into a little ball, we don't know what will.
Now, grab a box of Kleenex — or a friend's sleeve, whatever works — and get ready for some much-needed cathartic wallowing. If your feeling fancy, you can even try staring into a fireplace as the tears gently flow down your face, Call Me By Your Name style.
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