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Goodreads TBR 2024 Part 1 - Page 3

My usual procedure of listing everything from the first 6 months of 2024. On par with 2023 but slightly higher, I add an avg of 1.46 books per day instead of last years 1.3 I wish I could slow down but the information and interest continues to flow and shows no signs of ceasing....
62 users · 2,270 views
made by Lpena
avg. score: 1 of 268 (1%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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The Fruit Cure: The Story of Extreme Wellness Turned Sour (Jacqueline Alnes)
The Fruit Cure: The Story of Extreme Wellness Turned Sour (Jacqueline Alnes)
Fruiting Bodies (Kathryn Harlan)
Fruiting Bodies (Kathryn Harlan)
The Garden (Aidan Scott)
The Garden (Aidan Scott)
Gay Berlin (Robert Beachy)
Gay Berlin (Robert Beachy)
The Ghost: The Secret Life of Spymaster James Jesus Angleton (Jefferson Morley)
The Ghost: The Secret Life of Spymaster James Jesus Angleton (Jefferson Morley)
The Golden Thread (Kassia St Clair)
The Golden Thread (Kassia St Clair)
The Good Virus: The Amazing Story and Forgotten Promise of the Phage (Tom Ireland)
The Good Virus: The Amazing Story and Forgotten Promise of the Phage (Tom Ireland)
Graphic Witness (George A. Walker)
Graphic Witness (George A. Walker)
Half Life of Facts
Half Life of Facts
Half-Life of a Secret: Reckoning With a Secret History (Emily Strasser)
Half-Life of a Secret: Reckoning With a Secret History (Emily Strasser)
Hard-Pressed in the Heartland: The Hormel Strike and the Future of the Labor Movement (Peter J. Rachleff)
Hard-Pressed in the Heartland: The Hormel Strike and the Future of the Labor Movement (Peter J. Rachleff)
Heap House (Edward Carey)
Heap House (Edward Carey)
Hearts of Oak (Eddie Robson)
Hearts of Oak (Eddie Robson)
Hell's Cartel: IG Farben and the Making of Hitler's War Machine (Diamund Jeffreys)
Hell's Cartel: IG Farben and the Making of Hitler's War Machine (Diamund Jeffreys)
Help Wanted (Adelle Waldman)
Help Wanted (Adelle Waldman)
Hermsprong (Robert Bage)
Hermsprong (Robert Bage)
Histories of the Hanged (David Anderson)
Histories of the Hanged (David Anderson)
Hoax: The Popish Plot That Never Was (Victor Stater)
Hoax: The Popish Plot That Never Was (Victor Stater)
The Horde: How the Mongols Changed the World (Marie Favereau)
The Horde: How the Mongols Changed the World (Marie Favereau)
House of Rain: Tracking a Vanished Civilization Across the American Southwest (Craig Childs)
House of Rain: Tracking a Vanished Civilization Across the American Southwest (Craig Childs)
How to Be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins (Helena De Bres)
How to Be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins (Helena De Bres)
How to Create the Perfect Wife (Wendy Moore)
How to Create the Perfect Wife (Wendy Moore)
I Hotel (Karen Tei Yamashita)
I Hotel (Karen Tei Yamashita)
Idlewild (James Frankie Thomas)
Idlewild (James Frankie Thomas)
Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and the End of China's Last Golden Age (Stephen R. Platt)
Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and the End of China's Last Golden Age (Stephen R. Platt)
Impossible Views of the World (Lucy Ives)
Impossible Views of the World (Lucy Ives)
In a Different Key: The Story of Autism (John Donvan)
In a Different Key: The Story of Autism (John Donvan)
In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities Are Plundering Our Cities (Davarian L. Baldwin)
In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities Are Plundering Our Cities (Davarian L. Baldwin)
Inevitable Revolutions: United States in Central America (Walter Lafeber)
Inevitable Revolutions: United States in Central America (Walter Lafeber)
The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of Palestinian History (Keith W. Whitelam)
The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of Palestinian History (Keith W. Whitelam)
The Invention of the Land of Israel (Shlomo Sand)
The Invention of the Land of Israel (Shlomo Sand)
The Invention of Prehistory: Empire, Violence, and Our Obsession With Human Origins (Stefanos Geroulanos)
The Invention of Prehistory: Empire, Violence, and Our Obsession With Human Origins (Stefanos Geroulanos)
Invisible Labor: The Untold Story of the Cesarean Section (Rachel Somerstein)
Invisible Labor: The Untold Story of the Cesarean Section (Rachel Somerstein)
James (Percival Everett)
James (Percival Everett)
January (Sara Gallardo)
January (Sara Gallardo)
Joe Gould's Secret (Joseph Mitchell)
Joe Gould's Secret (Joseph Mitchell)
Jonathan Abernathy, You Are Kind (Molly McGhee)
Jonathan Abernathy, You Are Kind (Molly McGhee)
The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide (David Olusoga)
The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide (David Olusoga)
Killing Hope (William Blum)
Killing Hope (William Blum)
The Kissing Bug: A True Story of a Family, an Insect, and a Nation's Neglect of a Deadly Disease (Daisy Hernandez)
The Kissing Bug: A True Story of a Family, an Insect, and a Nation's Neglect of a Deadly Disease (Daisy Hernandez)
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