Goodreads Members' 76 Most Popular Books of the Past Decade
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"While digging through the stacks here at Goodreads World Headquarters, a random question occurred to the editorial team: What are the most popular books of the past decade?
Well, we looked into it. The books collected below represent the most popular books on Goodreads in the past 10 years, dialing back to 2013. (Bonus trivia: That's the year that "selfie" and "twerk" were added to the official Oxford Dictionary. Really.) The books here are ranked in order of overall popularity, as determined by which titles Goodreads regulars have marked as Read, Currently Reading, or Want to Read.
You'll find several familiar names in this collection, those authors of one (or more!) big books that broke through to mainstream popular culture: Towles and Whitehead, Owens and Obama. Also on tap: some of the past decade's biggest books in science fiction, queer romance, historical fiction, magical realism, and surprisingly good advice."
1,559 users
avg. score: 15 of 76 (20%)
required scores: 1, 4, 10, 16, 25