"Books you just can't get enough of. Maybe you read them two or three times... maybe even more than five times!" (Goodreads)
I'm in awe of people that have managed to read some of these books twice or more.
The following is meant primarily for list publishers but you might consider reading it for your information and amusement, particularly if you are in the habit of choosing your next book to read from Goodreads:
This list on Goodreads distinguishes itself by having the highest density of bogus entries I have ever come across (22% of the first 257 entries). It has allowed me to hone my skills in recognising & discarding fakes, which have the following general characteristics:
--- Number of ratings peak at ~6,600 (range several hundred to 8000)
--- Most common rating 4.31 (range 4.25-4.42) probably the most distinctive feature
--- Self-published or not an established publisher