I know, as someone who reads a lot of LGBTQIA+ fiction, that it can feel like we don't have many options - you hear about the same titles over and over again, and you feel like a big reading fish in a really tiny reading pond. But while we still need more LGBTQIA+ fiction (and probably will for a very long time!), I thought I'd pull together the biggest list I could just to help people realise what we've achieved so far! You could read for a really long time without running out of books!
I used a lot of different sources for this, from publisher's websites to buzzfeed to just googling things, but the most useful source (and your best bet for if you want to see which books represent what and what genres they are) was the incredible LGBTQReads site. Go check it out!
EDIT: I found ONE double that I missed! *shakes fist at sky* I guess you get a bonus point if you've read that one...