Forgotten Films to Remember (1927-1979) by John Springer
"You won't find Citizen Kane in this book, or Gone with the Wind, or even Jaws--1 or 2...These are the movies that don't turn up in histories but do occasionally surface in the memories of buffs who saw them--forgotten films, yes, but movies worth a special niche of their own." This is a list of all the films mentioned, even the ones he says he doesn't mention, in John Springer's 1980 book of the same title. Some inclusions may be surprisingly unforgotten given the changing landscape of film history--many Hitchcock films, The Night of the Hunter, etc. are found in its pages, but many are still rather obscure. He covers only talking pictures in English. "Each of these had its value in its own day--an extraordinary performance, perhaps, an interesting piece of direction, a fresh story line. Or maybe it was just a good movie, something that worked for what it was." Each year starts with a list of well-knowns, then forgottens, then lesser forgottens, mostly in alphabetical order.
avg. score: 176 of 1737 (10%)
required scores: 1, 21, 57, 126, 259