I developed this list using a random number generator, as well as the List Challenges catalogue.
For each consonant, I generated a number between 1 and 8. If the number is followed by a 1, I put A next. If 2, then E. If 3, then I. If 4, then O. If 5, then U. If 6, then Y. If 7, then H. If 8, then a random letter chosen by generating a number between 1 and 26.
For each vowel, I generated a number between 1 and 26 to select a letter to proceed the vowel.
Then, I look through the List Challenges catalogue, and select a random item that pops up that uses the letter combination that I generated.
I did this 130 times, or 5 times for each of the 26 letters.
I spent a really long time making this list, so PLEASE do not steal it, Jakeira123/32. Thank you.
Series: Alphabet food compilations.
No: 1.