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Films Shown at the 275 East Theater in Milford, Ohio in 1979 & 1980 - Page 2

The 275 East Movie Theater was located at 5874 Montclair Boulevard in Milford, Ohio (not too far from Cincinnati). It opened on December 14, 1979. It lasted until the year 2000. It was a four screen theater. The theater building is currently home of the Eastside Christian Church. This is a list of all of the films that played at 275 East in 1979 & 1980. The films are listed in the order they played at the theater. "The Jerk" was apparently the sole opening week attraction. By the second week, they were using all of the screens. 275 East was mostly a first-run theater. They also had the occasional midnight movie, re-release, or Saturday retro kiddie matinee. The "cover photo" for this list is a fairly recent photo of the building taken after the property had been converted to a church. This list was researched in a newspaper database. I will sporadically be posting lists of films that played in certain years at various defunct Cincinnati area theaters.
84 users · 585 views
made by cinema seeker
avg. score: 12 of 59 (20%)
required scores: 1, 4, 7, 11, 17 

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Page 2 of 2
Hardware Wars (1978)
Hardware Wars (1978)
Cheaper to Keep Her (1980)
Cheaper to Keep Her (1980)
The Octagon (1980)
The Octagon (1980)
A Force of One (1979)
A Force of One (1979)
He Knows You're Alone (1980)
He Knows You're Alone (1980)
Terror Train (1980)
Terror Train (1980)
Times Square (1980)
Times Square (1980)
The Awakening (1980)
The Awakening (1980)
Snapshot (1979)
Snapshot (1979)
Motel Hell (1980)
Motel Hell (1980)
Once Upon a Time (1973)
Once Upon a Time (1973)
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Cabo Blanco (1980)
Cabo Blanco (1980)
The Christmas That Almost Wasn't (1966)
The Christmas That Almost Wasn't (1966)
Popeye (1980)
Popeye (1980)
Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (1979)
Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (1979)
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Nine to Five (1980)
Nine to Five (1980)
First Family (1980)
First Family (1980)
Page 2 of 2
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