Filmsfatale Presents the Best 100 Shot Films of All Time
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"There are many things to love about films, but cinematography goes as far back as the art form itself. Taken into consideration: how do these films look either in black-and-white or in colour and how much of these results are based on what is in front of the camera (like brightly coloured sets and outfits), which aren't really a product of the camerawork itself; however, rewarding the photography that makes the most of these situations and enhances these setups as much as possible. Secondly, how is the camera movement (zooms, pans, dolly work and more), and does the photography still look good during these techniques? Also considered: the usage of various shot techniques, angles, shadows, landscapes, profiles, and virtually any other photographical result one can achieve. Here are the one hundred best shot films of all time. If your favourite looking film isn't here, there is a high chance it was considered and appreciated, and reluctantly omitted." -Films Fatale
avg. score: 32 of 100 (32%)
required scores: 1, 10, 21, 31, 49