This list contains the family Felidae, also known as Felines. The two subfamilies are Pantherinae and Felinae. Pantherinae include Tigers, Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, Snow Leopards, and Clouded Leopards. Felinae include Domestic Cats, Cheetahs, African Golden Cat, Caracal, Serval, Bay Cat, Asian Golden Cat, Chinese Mountain Cat, Jungle Cat, Sand Cat, Black-footed Cat, Wildcat, Pantanal Cat, Colocol, Geoffrey's Cat, Kodkod, Andean Mountain Cat, Pampas Cat, Ocelot, Oncilla,Margay, Lynx, Bobcat, Palla's Cad, Marbled Cat, Leopard Cat, Fishing Cat, Flat-headed Cat, Rusty Spotted Cat, Cougar, Jaguarundi, and more.
This list also includes the family Hyaeindae, which includes Hyenas and the Aardwolf.
avg. score: 59 of 139 (43%)
required scores: 1, 7, 22, 54, 139