Every Movie Ray Has Seen Pt 022
Wanted to create a list of every movie I've ever seen, rather than one massive list I decided to create smaller lists in a defined order.
Each list will begin with a film whose title starts with a number followed by one beginning with an 'A', then a 'B', then a 'C', through to 'Z'. To ensure reasonable length lists as a letter etc drops out those letters with an exceptional amount of films may be represented multiple times.
Films starting with numbers as well as the letters Q, U, V, X, Y & Z were completed in previous lists.
If during the creation of these lists I watch a film that should've been included already, or remember one forgotten, it will just be added into the next list.
Suspect the final list in this series will be a strange little one, will be fun to find out.
Due to the nature of these lists they will consist of all genres and eras, some great and some not so great. Good luck ticking them off.
avg. score: 7 of 23 (31%)
required scores: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9