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When Matt Smith went back in time, he found himself as David Bradley and then William Hartnell played the First Doctor. "Doctor Who? What are you talking about?" Patrick Troughton came next with a flute and a chess board in his hand closely followed by Jon Pertwee with his epic hair. After that came Tom Baker, who was the first properly funny one, then came Peter Davison who no-one's name can remember. Then Colin Baker came in with his colourful scarf and then Dark Sylvester McCoy (not to mention playing bright Radagast). Then Matt Smith and David Tennant met John Hurt, who fort in the time war who wished for some less conspiguos ears before he regenerated, but ended up like Christopher Eccleston with his fantastic ears. Then, alonsi, comes Tennant the Scot closely followed by Guronomo! Matt Smith. After came Peter Capaldi with his sung glasses and guitar and then, finally, the first woman: Jodie Whittaker.
24 users · 181 views
avg. score: 7 of 15 (50%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 9, 15 

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David Tennant
David Tennant
John Hurt
John Hurt
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Peter Capaldi
Peter Capaldi
Christopher Eccleston
Christopher Eccleston
Tom Baker
Tom Baker
Jon Pertwee
Jon Pertwee
Patrick Troughton
Patrick Troughton
Paul McGann
Paul McGann
Sylvester McCoy
Sylvester McCoy
William Hartnell
William Hartnell
Colin Baker
Colin Baker
Jodie Whittaker
Jodie Whittaker
Peter Davison
Peter Davison
David Bradley
David Bradley
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