"What TV episode number has the best chance of turning out a classic? We find out.
Episodic storytelling is what makes TV special and if you pay attention long enough, you begin to notice some patterns. Most TV pilots play like mini-movies that often end up quite tonally different from the rest of the series to come. Season finales naturally tend to be a show's best effort of the year as they must satiate the audience for the long offseason. But what about all the episodes in-between? What episode numbers are consistently great?
We endeavored to find out.
Yes, what you're about to read is not a list of the "Best TV Episodes of All Time" but the "Best TV Episode Numbers of All Time." Numbers as in literally "episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, and so forth." By taking a holistic view of the TV industry at large, we've determined which episode numbers are more likely to produce quality than others."
-Alec Bojalad