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Deena's Ultimate Books List - Page 5

This are part of the books that I want to read before die, so let me know how many of them have you ever read. I want to hear about your thoughs about them ;)
316 users · 1,780 views
avg. score: 27 of 172 (16%)
required scores: 1, 10, 18, 29, 43 

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Page 5 of 5
Taras Bulba (Nikolai Gogol)
Taras Bulba (Nikolai Gogol)
Almas Muertas (Nikolai Gogol)
Almas Muertas (Nikolai Gogol)
Doctor Zhivago (Boris Pasternak)
Doctor Zhivago (Boris Pasternak)
Guerra Y Paz (Lev Nikoláievich Tolstói)
Guerra Y Paz (Lev Nikoláievich Tolstói)
Crimen Y Castigo (Fiodor Dostoievski)
Crimen Y Castigo (Fiodor Dostoievski)
Cinco Semanas En Globo (Julio Verne)
Cinco Semanas En Globo (Julio Verne)
El Siglo De Las Luces - Carpentier
El Siglo De Las Luces - Carpentier
La Feria De Las Vanidades (William Makeapeace Thackeray)
La Feria De Las Vanidades (William Makeapeace Thackeray)
Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)
Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)
The Importance of Being Ernest
The Importance of Being Ernest
Guía Del Autoestopista Galáctico (Douglas Adams)
Guía Del Autoestopista Galáctico (Douglas Adams)
La Naranja Mecánica (Anthony Burgess)
La Naranja Mecánica (Anthony Burgess)
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