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David's Childhood Facts and Opinions

Here's some Facts and Opinions about my Childhood like Gaming, Music & More. Do you Agree that Bonnie Tyler Fell off a Stage!
41 users · 368 views
made by David Doom
avg. score: 3 of 14 (24%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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...And Speaking of Eye Toy,  Sony Released It 7 Years Earlier Xbox 360's Kinect
...And Speaking of Eye Toy, Sony Released It 7 Years Earlier Xbox 360's Kinect
As of November 2019, I Still Own a Mrs Doubtfire VHS
As of November 2019, I Still Own a Mrs Doubtfire VHS
By 2001, Britney Spears Became a B**Ch
By 2001, Britney Spears Became a B**Ch
Christina Aguilera Released Her First Song in 1998 for Mulan
Christina Aguilera Released Her First Song in 1998 for Mulan
A Guy Changed His F**King Name to PlayStation 2
A Guy Changed His F**King Name to PlayStation 2
I Prefer Hubba Bubba Dated 2002 Than Hubba Bubba Dated 2016
I Prefer Hubba Bubba Dated 2002 Than Hubba Bubba Dated 2016
In the Music Video for Britney Spears's "Toxic" She Wore a Sparkly Bodysuit That Looks Naked!
In the Music Video for Britney Spears's "Toxic" She Wore a Sparkly Bodysuit That Looks Naked!
J-Lo Released Ain't It Funny in 2001 and Following That Was "On the Floor" in 2010
J-Lo Released Ain't It Funny in 2001 and Following That Was "On the Floor" in 2010
The Microsoft Team Released Kinect for Xbox 360 to Crush the PlayStation 2'S Eye Toy
The Microsoft Team Released Kinect for Xbox 360 to Crush the PlayStation 2'S Eye Toy
My All Time Actress Is Hillary Duff (Lizzie McGuire, Cadet Kelly, Cinderella Story)
My All Time Actress Is Hillary Duff (Lizzie McGuire, Cadet Kelly, Cinderella Story)
The PlayStation 2 Faced off Against the Original Xbox
The PlayStation 2 Faced off Against the Original Xbox
Sly Cooper Would Win Against Swiper No Swiping
Sly Cooper Would Win Against Swiper No Swiping
There Was No YouTube in 2004!!!!
There Was No YouTube in 2004!!!!
Xbox Live Started on the Original Xbox and Continues on Xbox 360 and Xbox One
Xbox Live Started on the Original Xbox and Continues on Xbox 360 and Xbox One
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