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Dave's Picks for the Most Underrated, Overlooked, or Misunderstood Films of All Time - Page 2

A list of movies that I believe to be one of the following: underrated, overlooked or unheard of by most people, or misunderstood for what it is. I listed the films loosely based on what films I want the most focus placed on. For example, the films I want the most emphasis on are 'Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom', and 'Gummo'. Saló is known for being a very disturbing and hard to watch film that will disgust and offend many people. I believe it is a brilliant movie about fascism, the cruelty that lies in the hearts of men, and religion. It is a film that screams its message. Gummo is another film that I think most people understand and was wrongly maligned by critics. To this day it is one of my favorite films and has more soul than most films I've seen, and is nihilistic in a way that is at once disturbing and relatable.
10,967 users · 35,280 views
made by HerschelGillis
avg. score: 5 of 50 (10%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 

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The House of the Devil (2009)
The House of the Devil (2009)
The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
The Eyes of My Mother (2016)
The Den (2013)
The Den (2013)
They Look Like People (2016)
They Look Like People (2016)
The Tall Man (2012)
The Tall Man (2012)
Circle (2015)
Circle (2015)
Cat Sick Blues (2016)
Cat Sick Blues (2016)
Capture Kill Release (2016)
Capture Kill Release (2016)
Blood Rage (1987)
Blood Rage (1987)
The Taking (2014)
The Taking (2014)
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