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Common Misconceptions Arts, Culture and History - Page 2

Here is a list containing common misconceptions. Many people believe these facts are true but they are not. How many do/did you believe?
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Page 2 of 2
There Is Evidence Vikings Wore Horns on Their Helmets
There Is Evidence Vikings Wore Horns on Their Helmets
Vikings Drank Out of Skulls of Vanquished Enemies
Vikings Drank Out of Skulls of Vanquished Enemies
Iron Maidens Were Invented in the Middles Ages for Torture
Iron Maidens Were Invented in the Middles Ages for Torture
Medieval Europeans Believed the Earth Was Flat
Medieval Europeans Believed the Earth Was Flat
Columbus Landed on the Mainland of the USA
Columbus Landed on the Mainland of the USA
Columbus Was the First European to Visit America
Columbus Was the First European to Visit America
Pilgrims Wore All Black With Hats That Had Buckles
Pilgrims Wore All Black With Hats That Had Buckles
The Accused at the Salem Witch Trials Were Burned at the Stake
The Accused at the Salem Witch Trials Were Burned at the Stake
Marie Antoinette Said "Let Them Eat Cake" When French Peasantry Were Starving
Marie Antoinette Said "Let Them Eat Cake" When French Peasantry Were Starving
George Washington Had Wooden Teeth
George Washington Had Wooden Teeth
The Declaration of Independence Was Signed on July 4th, 1776
The Declaration of Independence Was Signed on July 4th, 1776
Benjamin Franklin Proposed the Wild Turkey Be Used as the US Symbol
Benjamin Franklin Proposed the Wild Turkey Be Used as the US Symbol
There Was a Bill to Make German the Official Language of the US
There Was a Bill to Make German the Official Language of the US
Napoleon Bonaparte Was Short
Napoleon Bonaparte Was Short
Cinco De Mayo Is Mexico's Independence Day
Cinco De Mayo Is Mexico's Independence Day
Cowboy Hats Were Initially Popular in Western American Frontier
Cowboy Hats Were Initially Popular in Western American Frontier
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 Was Caused by a Cow Kicking Over a Lantern
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 Was Caused by a Cow Kicking Over a Lantern
Remington Telegraphed Hearts From Cuba That He Wanted Now War and to Return Home
Remington Telegraphed Hearts From Cuba That He Wanted Now War and to Return Home
Immigrants' Last Names Were Americanized Upon Arrival to Ellis Island
Immigrants' Last Names Were Americanized Upon Arrival to Ellis Island
The Common Image of Santa Was Created by the Coca-Cola Company
The Common Image of Santa Was Created by the Coca-Cola Company
Italian Dictator Mussolini "Made the Trains Run on Time"
Italian Dictator Mussolini "Made the Trains Run on Time"
King Christian X of Denmark Wore a Yellow Star to Thwart Nazis Identifying Jews
King Christian X of Denmark Wore a Yellow Star to Thwart Nazis Identifying Jews
Albert Einstein Failed Mathematics Classes
Albert Einstein Failed Mathematics Classes
Ronald Reagan Was Considered for the Role of Rick Blaine in Casablanca
Ronald Reagan Was Considered for the Role of Rick Blaine in Casablanca
W.E.B. Du Boid Renounced His US Citizenship While Living in Ghana Shortly Before Death
W.E.B. Du Boid Renounced His US Citizenship While Living in Ghana Shortly Before Death
When Bartender Kitty Genovese Was Murdered People Stood by and Watched Without Helping
When Bartender Kitty Genovese Was Murdered People Stood by and Watched Without Helping
The Moscow-Washington Hotline "Red Telephone" Existed
The Moscow-Washington Hotline "Red Telephone" Existed
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