Collider's 10 Movies That Changed the World (In Real Life)
"Cinema is arguably the most powerful art form: it can move, inspire, enrage, and excite millions of people at once. A good filmmaker shapes reality however they want, magically capturing and bridging perspectives, amplifying new voices, and showcasing daring and compelling stories. That's how social change happens. You can read a headline and feel nothing, but when a movie puts you inside the head of a soldier, a refugee, or a cult leader, you can suddenly grasp reality with both hands. There's a small group of films that, by portraying reality in a revolutionary way, have managed to not only change a few people's minds but the world at large. Cinema can change perspectives and ways of thinking for better and worse. These movies had such an impact that they provoked significant-enough shifts in people's perceptions, thus provoking true changes in the real world, proving that reality is stranger than fiction." -
avg. score: 5 of 10 (48%)
required scores: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7