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Career Runs Batted in -- Major League Baseball -- Updated Through the End of the 2019 Season

This list presents the top 11 ballplayers for runs batted in throughout their Major League careers. Each of these players drove in a minimum of 1900 runs; 4 have driven in at least 2000 runs; one of whom, Albert Pujols, is still active.
Please also note that two of the players on the list -- Alex Rodriguez, and Barry Bonds -- were implicated in some fashion with regard to the use of performance enhancing drugs.
42 users · 156 views
from · made by Papa Z
avg. score: 8 of 11 (72%)
required scores: 1, 5, 8, 10, 11 

How many of these players do you know?

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Hank Aaron
Hank Aaron
Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez
Albert Pujols
Albert Pujols
Barry Bonds
Barry Bonds
Lou Gehrig
Lou Gehrig
Stan Musial
Stan Musial
Ty Cobb
Ty Cobb
Jimmie Foxx
Jimmie Foxx
Eddie Murray
Eddie Murray
Willie Mays
Willie Mays
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