Buradi's Goodreads Read and Reading
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These are the 40 books in my "Currently Reading" and the 1150 books in my "Read" lists on my account on Goodreads, a website that allows you to keep track of books you have read, are reading, and want to read in the future, as well as add books to specifically named "shelves" you create (I have one called "Books I Own"), rate books, and leave reviews. You can even comment on reviews left by other people and follow your friends and family members to see what they're reading, what they've read, what they want to read (good for choosing gifts), and what they think about books they've read. You can also look at books by a specific author, on a specific topic, or liked by people with similar taste in books. Children's books, comics, manga, coloring books, graphic novels, and text books are also on the site. I highly recommend it.
avg. score: 142 of 1311 (11%)
required scores: 1, 8, 64, 158, 249