Brands of Potato Chips/Crisps Around the World (Other Than Lay's)
While there is no denying that the United States and the United Kingdom are the largest contributors to the pantheon of potato chips/crisps, they have become ubiquitous world-wide, largely due to the global dominance of the Lay's brand. Lay's claims the lion's share of the world market, thanks to a repertoire of over 200 flavours, accounting for the diverse tastes of each country they operate in. However, there are a number of brands around the world other than Lay's, most of whom existed long before Lay's arrival. In some cases these brands were bought by Frito-Lay, and for a variety of reasons they continue to be marketed with their original name. This is a list of these chip brands from around the world, and the country either the brand or the flavour originated. As each brand usually has multiple flavours, the picture was chosen because it is the signature or most popular flavour, or the flavour is unique, distinctive, culturally or regionally significant, or otherwise interesting.
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