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Books Read as Part of Mrs B's History Degrees - Page 4

These are all the books I read (and partially read - there are many where I only read a relevant chapter because of lack of time!) as part of my History degrees. I'm sure there were more, but these are the ones used for essays or that I remember reading for a module. This list also doesn't include many short printed primary sources. I'd now like to slowly work through this list and read the books I didn't fully read at the time and read them from cover to cover. Well perhaps not all of them, some were VERY dry, but most of them...
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made by Mrs B
avg. score: 3 of 237 (1%)
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A History of the Crusades I: The First Crusades (Steven Runciman)
A History of the Crusades I: The First Crusades (Steven Runciman)
A History of Ireland (Mike Cronin)
A History of Ireland (Mike Cronin)
A History of Northern Ireland (Thomas Hennessey)
A History of Northern Ireland (Thomas Hennessey)
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon)
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon)
The Hitler Myth: Image and Reality in the Third Reich (Ian Kershaw)
The Hitler Myth: Image and Reality in the Third Reich (Ian Kershaw)
How Far From Austerlitz? (Alistair Horne)
How Far From Austerlitz? (Alistair Horne)
The Image of the King (Richard Ollard)
The Image of the King (Richard Ollard)
Images of Tudor Kingship (Sydney Anglo)
Images of Tudor Kingship (Sydney Anglo)
In Defence of History (Richard J Evans)
In Defence of History (Richard J Evans)
In the Family Way: Childbearing in the British Aristocracy, 1760-1860 (Judith Schneid Lewis)
In the Family Way: Childbearing in the British Aristocracy, 1760-1860 (Judith Schneid Lewis)
In a Free Republic: Life in Cromwell's England (Alison Plowden)
In a Free Republic: Life in Cromwell's England (Alison Plowden)
Intelligence & Espionage in the Reign of Charles II (Alan Marshall)
Intelligence & Espionage in the Reign of Charles II (Alan Marshall)
Ireland in World War Two: Neutrality & Survival (Dermot Keogh & Mervyn O'Driscoll)
Ireland in World War Two: Neutrality & Survival (Dermot Keogh & Mervyn O'Driscoll)
Italy in the Age of Dante & Petrarch (John Larner)
Italy in the Age of Dante & Petrarch (John Larner)
James II (Maurice Ashley)
James II (Maurice Ashley)
The Jew in the Medieval World (Jacob R Marcus)
The Jew in the Medieval World (Jacob R Marcus)
The Jews in Western Europe, 1400-1600 (John Edwards (Ed))
The Jews in Western Europe, 1400-1600 (John Edwards (Ed))
The Jews of Britain, 1656-2000 (Todd M Endelman)
The Jews of Britain, 1656-2000 (Todd M Endelman)
John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus (Peter J. French)
John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus (Peter J. French)
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: Selected Poems (Paul Hammond (Ed.))
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: Selected Poems (Paul Hammond (Ed.))
Joseph Goebbels: The Man Who Created Hitler (Viktor Reimann)
Joseph Goebbels: The Man Who Created Hitler (Viktor Reimann)
King Charles II (Antonia Fraser)
King Charles II (Antonia Fraser)
King Lauderdale: The Corruption of Power (Raymond Campbell Paterson)
King Lauderdale: The Corruption of Power (Raymond Campbell Paterson)
The King's Bedpost: Reformation & Iconography in a Tudor Group Portrait (Margaret Aston)
The King's Bedpost: Reformation & Iconography in a Tudor Group Portrait (Margaret Aston)
The Last Revolution (Patrick Dillon)
The Last Revolution (Patrick Dillon)
Learn to Read Latin (Andrew Keller)
Learn to Read Latin (Andrew Keller)
The Life and Letters of Sir George Savile, Marquis of Halifax (H. C. Foxcroft)
The Life and Letters of Sir George Savile, Marquis of Halifax (H. C. Foxcroft)
The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon (Sir Henry Craik)
The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon (Sir Henry Craik)
The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon)
The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon)
The Life of James the Second (J. S. Clarke)
The Life of James the Second (J. S. Clarke)
The Linleys of Bath (Clementina Black)
The Linleys of Bath (Clementina Black)
Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Jonathan Culler)
Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Jonathan Culler)
Living London (George R Sims)
Living London (George R Sims)
London the Biography (Peter Ackroyd)
London the Biography (Peter Ackroyd)
London: A Social History (Roy Porter)
London: A Social History (Roy Porter)
The Long Eighteenth Century (Frank O'gorman)
The Long Eighteenth Century (Frank O'gorman)
The Man of Mode (George Etherege)
The Man of Mode (George Etherege)
Master and Commander (Patrick O'Brian)
Master and Commander (Patrick O'Brian)
The Medieval Centuries (Denys Hay)
The Medieval Centuries (Denys Hay)
Medieval Europe, a Short History (C. Warren Hollister)
Medieval Europe, a Short History (C. Warren Hollister)
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