Books Read - 2024 (By MF)
These are the books I read in 2024 in the order in which I read them. This was my record number of books read in one year. I finally had more time to read and more money to buy books. A stand out genre was science fiction, I got to discover so many of my all time favourites, and a new favourite author Janusz A. Zajdel. I also read a lot more short stories and graphic novels than ever before. My favourite books of the year were: Limes Inferior (and the author's short story collection Relacja z pierwszej ręki), In Ascension, The Ferryman, They Shoot Horses Don't They?, Strong Female Character, The Invincible, Znachor, A Chess Story, Conversations with Friends, Threadneedle, Crosstalk, The Man Who Fell to Earth, The Palace of Dreams, Metropole, The Secret Adversary, Framed!, and a webtoon comic Space Boy.
avg. score: 8 of 126 (7%)
required scores: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11