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Books on Bipolar Disorder and Manic-Depression - Page 2

Fiction and Non-fiction dealing with Bipolar/Manic-Depression (two names for the same illness, one term is older and books might be under manic-depression rather than bipolar).
By Genre: Celebrity Memoir and Fiction (1-23), Memoirs by Bipolar People (24-43), NonfictionTopics and Historic People Related (44-52), Informational Self-Help Guides for a Patient (53-65), Help Guides for Family Members (66-68), Memoirs about having a bipolar relative (69-84), Bipolar Hope and Positivity (85-92), Adult Fiction (93-104), Young Adult Fiction (105-119), Children's (120), and Poetry by Bipolar Authors (121-125).
Disclaimer/trigger warnings: I haven't read all of these books, I found them through various searchs on goodreads and the lists there. There will probably be some disturbing content in many of these books, especially relating to suicide and self-harm since both of those are symptoms and aspects of dealing with bipolar disorder.
237 users · 1,280 views
made by Maddy
avg. score: 4 of 125 (4%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 

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Bipolar Dad: Waking Up Too Late (James Stordahl)
Bipolar Dad: Waking Up Too Late (James Stordahl)
Letters From a Bipolar Mother (Alyssa Reyans)
Letters From a Bipolar Mother (Alyssa Reyans)
Autistic Blessings and Bipolar Me (E. J. Plows)
Autistic Blessings and Bipolar Me (E. J. Plows)
Touched With Fire (Kay Redfield Jamison)
Touched With Fire (Kay Redfield Jamison)
Bipolar Expeditions: Mania and Depression in American Culture (Emily Martin)
Bipolar Expeditions: Mania and Depression in American Culture (Emily Martin)
Strictly Bipolar (Darian Leader)
Strictly Bipolar (Darian Leader)
Exuberance (Jamison)
Exuberance (Jamison)
A Mood Apart (Peter C. Whybrow)
A Mood Apart (Peter C. Whybrow)
Agnes's Jacket: One Psychologist's Search for the Meanings of Madness (Gail A. Hornstein)
Agnes's Jacket: One Psychologist's Search for the Meanings of Madness (Gail A. Hornstein)
Byron in Love (Edna O'Brien)
Byron in Love (Edna O'Brien)
Mary's Monster (Lita Judge)
Mary's Monster (Lita Judge)
He Wanted the Moon (Mimi Baird, Eve Claxton)
He Wanted the Moon (Mimi Baird, Eve Claxton)
Beating Bipolar (Blake Levine)
Beating Bipolar (Blake Levine)
Bipolar Battleplan: Fighting the War Against Bipolar Disorder (Troy Gillem)
Bipolar Battleplan: Fighting the War Against Bipolar Disorder (Troy Gillem)
Depression and Bipolar Disorder: Your Guide to Recovery (William R. Marchand, MD)
Depression and Bipolar Disorder: Your Guide to Recovery (William R. Marchand, MD)
Facing Bipolar: The Young Adult's Guide to Dealing With Bipolar Disorder (Russ Federman, Phd and J. Anderson Thompson Jr. MD)
Facing Bipolar: The Young Adult's Guide to Dealing With Bipolar Disorder (Russ Federman, Phd and J. Anderson Thompson Jr. MD)
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings (Monica Ramirez Basco, MD)
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings (Monica Ramirez Basco, MD)
Bipolar 1 Disorder: How to Survive and Thrive (Molly Mchugh)
Bipolar 1 Disorder: How to Survive and Thrive (Molly Mchugh)
Less Than Crazy: Living Fully With Bipolar II (Karla Dougherty)
Less Than Crazy: Living Fully With Bipolar II (Karla Dougherty)
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know (David J. Miklowitz, Phd)
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know (David J. Miklowitz, Phd)
Bipolar Disorder for Dummies (Candida Fink)
Bipolar Disorder for Dummies (Candida Fink)
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Paitents and Families (Francis Mark Mondimore, MD)
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Paitents and Families (Francis Mark Mondimore, MD)
Why Am I Still Depressed? (Dr. James Phelps)
Why Am I Still Depressed? (Dr. James Phelps)
Living Bipolar: Learning to Live With Bipolar Disorder (Sylvia Meier)
Living Bipolar: Learning to Live With Bipolar Disorder (Sylvia Meier)
Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Reccurent Depression (Frederick K. Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jaimson)
Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Reccurent Depression (Frederick K. Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jaimson)
What Bipolar Feels Like (Kristi Weldon)
What Bipolar Feels Like (Kristi Weldon)
The Bipolar Child (Demitri Papolos, MD and Janice Papolos)
The Bipolar Child (Demitri Papolos, MD and Janice Papolos)
Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder (Julie A. Fast and John D. Preston)
Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder (Julie A. Fast and John D. Preston)
Scattershot (Lovelace)
Scattershot (Lovelace)
A Legacy of Madness: Recovering My Family From Generations of Mental Illness (Tom Davis)
A Legacy of Madness: Recovering My Family From Generations of Mental Illness (Tom Davis)
Mom's Crazy: Her Bipolar Memoir (Jo Carroll Lewald)
Mom's Crazy: Her Bipolar Memoir (Jo Carroll Lewald)
Strange Love: How Pro Wrestling Taught Me to Relax and Love My Mom (Ben Peller)
Strange Love: How Pro Wrestling Taught Me to Relax and Love My Mom (Ben Peller)
My Mother's Bipolar, So What Am I? (Angela C. Grett)
My Mother's Bipolar, So What Am I? (Angela C. Grett)
His Bright Light: The Story of Nick Traina (Danielle Steel)
His Bright Light: The Story of Nick Traina (Danielle Steel)
Leaving the Hall Light on (Madeline Sharples)
Leaving the Hall Light on (Madeline Sharples)
The Storm: A Family's Battle With Mental Illness (Michael R. Lewis)
The Storm: A Family's Battle With Mental Illness (Michael R. Lewis)
Walks on the Margins: A Story of Bipolar Disorder (Kathy Brandt and Max Maddox)
Walks on the Margins: A Story of Bipolar Disorder (Kathy Brandt and Max Maddox)
This Fraglie Life: A Mother's Story of a Bipolar Son (Charlotte Pierce-Baker)
This Fraglie Life: A Mother's Story of a Bipolar Son (Charlotte Pierce-Baker)
Perfect Chaos: A Daughter's Journey to Survive Bipolar Disorder, a Mother's Struggle to Save Her (Linea and Cinda Johnson)
Perfect Chaos: A Daughter's Journey to Survive Bipolar Disorder, a Mother's Struggle to Save Her (Linea and Cinda Johnson)
Hurry Down Sunshine (Michael Greenberg)
Hurry Down Sunshine (Michael Greenberg)
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