This list uses "100 Must-Read Fantasy Novels" (N. Rennison & S. Andrews). It presents a set of well-known books, each accompanied by works on the same theme (as recommended by the authors).
Classic Children's Fantasy: 1-10
Fabulation: 11-21
Metropolis: 22-32
Historical Fantasy: 33-43
Noble Savages and Extraordinary Gentlemen: 44-54
Anthropomorphic Adventures: 55-65
Lost Lands, Lost Races: 66-77
Dark Fantasies: 78-88
Urban Fantasy: 89-97
Comic Fantasy: 98-108
Pre-teenage Kicks: 109-119
Arthurian Fantasy: 120-130
The New Weird: 131-140
BTW, this challenge is not the same as that published by fleurette using the same book.