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Books Maude Wants to Read in 2020

Alike many people I started reading more during the lockdown. Here is a list of the books I've read since the beginning of this new decade. I added the books I bought and plan to read in the coming years. They are a mix of "to read in a lifetime" classics and Quebec litterature.
158 users · 362 views
made by Maude Bussière
avg. score: 3 of 14 (23%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Le Goût Du Bonheur (Marie Laberge)
Le Goût Du Bonheur (Marie Laberge)
Le Gout Du Bonheur, Adélaïde (Marie Laberge)
Le Gout Du Bonheur, Adélaïde (Marie Laberge)
Le Gout Du Bonheur, Florent (Marie Laberge)
Le Gout Du Bonheur, Florent (Marie Laberge)
King-Kong Theory (Virginie Despentes)
King-Kong Theory (Virginie Despentes)
L'histoire De Pi (Yann Martel)
L'histoire De Pi (Yann Martel)
Farenheit 451
Farenheit 451
Des Souris Et Des Hommes (John Steinbeck)
Des Souris Et Des Hommes (John Steinbeck)
The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
Gil Courtemanche: 	Un Dimanche À La Piscine À Kigali
Gil Courtemanche: Un Dimanche À La Piscine À Kigali
Le Deuxième Sexe De Simone De Beauvoir
Le Deuxième Sexe De Simone De Beauvoir
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)
Harry Potter E La Pietra Filosofale
Harry Potter E La Pietra Filosofale
The Testaments (Margaret Atwood)
The Testaments (Margaret Atwood)
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