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Books in Suzy Boot's Kindle - Page 7

This is a list of all the books that I currently have on my Kindle. I haven't read all of them yet as I'm constantly adding new books that pique my interest (not to mention buying them on their physical form *_*). But after all it's as Ursula K.Le Guin so finely put it: "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."
346 users · 2,111 views
made by AnnaBoots
avg. score: 10 of 254 (4%)
required scores: 1, 4, 7, 10, 15 

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Page 7 of 7
Oleander, Jacaranda (Penelope Lively)
Oleander, Jacaranda (Penelope Lively)
Reborn: Journals and Notebooks (Susan Sontag)
Reborn: Journals and Notebooks (Susan Sontag)
A Fork in the Road (André Brink)
A Fork in the Road (André Brink)
The Blue Hour (Lilian Pizzichini)
The Blue Hour (Lilian Pizzichini)
Uncle Tungsten (Oliver Sacks)
Uncle Tungsten (Oliver Sacks)
Wallflower at the Orgy (Nora Ephron)
Wallflower at the Orgy (Nora Ephron)
Looking on Darkness (André Brink)
Looking on Darkness (André Brink)
Concrete Blonde (Michael Connelly)
Concrete Blonde (Michael Connelly)
My Venice (Donna Leon)
My Venice (Donna Leon)
Arabesques (Robert Dessaix)
Arabesques (Robert Dessaix)
As I Was Saying (Robert Dessaix)
As I Was Saying (Robert Dessaix)
The Life and Death of Lord Erroll (Erroll Trzebinski)
The Life and Death of Lord Erroll (Erroll Trzebinski)
I Am the Messenger
I Am the Messenger
I Feel Bad About My Neck
I Feel Bad About My Neck
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