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Books and Short Stories Aliteraryprincess Read for School: Phd Year 2 - Page 2

Year 2 of the PhD is coming to an end. This is my last year of classes. I had four: Milton, Graphic Narrative, Victorian Women Writers, and 19th-Century American Lit. These are the books and short stories I read either as assigned reading or for my final papers. Some I read in full and for some I just read large sections.
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A Woman's Thoughts About Women (Dinah Maria Mulock Craik)
A Woman's Thoughts About Women (Dinah Maria Mulock Craik)
Moths (Maria Louise Ramé)
Moths (Maria Louise Ramé)
The Heavenly Twins (Sarah Grand)
The Heavenly Twins (Sarah Grand)
Female Writers: Thoughts on Their Proper Sphere, and on Their Powers of Usefulness (Mary Ann Stodart)
Female Writers: Thoughts on Their Proper Sphere, and on Their Powers of Usefulness (Mary Ann Stodart)
Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question (Nicola Diane Thompson)
Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question (Nicola Diane Thompson)
Ouida the Phenomenon (Natalie Schroeder and Shari Hodges Holt)
Ouida the Phenomenon (Natalie Schroeder and Shari Hodges Holt)
Ouida and Victorian Popular Culture (Jane Jordan and Andrew King)
Ouida and Victorian Popular Culture (Jane Jordan and Andrew King)
Margaret Oliphant: Critical Essays on a Gentle Subversive (D. J. Trela)
Margaret Oliphant: Critical Essays on a Gentle Subversive (D. J. Trela)
Arthur Mervyn
Arthur Mervyn
Hope Leslie (Catharine Sedgwick)
Hope Leslie (Catharine Sedgwick)
A Treatise on Domestic Economy (Catharine Beecher)
A Treatise on Domestic Economy (Catharine Beecher)
The Architecture of Country Houses (Andrew Jackson Downing)
The Architecture of Country Houses (Andrew Jackson Downing)
The Blithedale Romance
The Blithedale Romance
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe)
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe)
The Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave (Henry Bibb)
The Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave (Henry Bibb)
Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience
Walden (Henry David Thoreau)
Walden (Henry David Thoreau)
Ruth Hall (Fanny Fern)
Ruth Hall (Fanny Fern)
The Man of the Crowd
The Man of the Crowd
Bartleby, the Scrivener
Bartleby, the Scrivener
Gothic (Re)Visions: Writing Women as Readers (Susan Wolstenholme)
Gothic (Re)Visions: Writing Women as Readers (Susan Wolstenholme)
Gothic America: Narrative, History, and Nation (Teresa A. Goddu)
Gothic America: Narrative, History, and Nation (Teresa A. Goddu)
The Madwoman in the Attic (Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar)
The Madwoman in the Attic (Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar)
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