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Books About Imperial Russia - Page 3

Nonfiction books about Imperial Russia which I
a) own (or rather, this is the majority of them)
b) have not all read yet :)
105 users · 1,800 views
made by Alena Dufkova
avg. score: 7 of 254 (3%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 

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Alexandra (Elisabeth Heresch)
Alexandra (Elisabeth Heresch)
The Rasputin File (Edvard Radzinsky)
The Rasputin File (Edvard Radzinsky)
Pavlovsk : The Life of a Russian Palace (Suzanne Massie)
Pavlovsk : The Life of a Russian Palace (Suzanne Massie)
The House of Special Purpose (John C. Trewin)
The House of Special Purpose (John C. Trewin)
The Four Graces: Queen Victoria's Hessian Granddaughters (Ilana D. Miller)
The Four Graces: Queen Victoria's Hessian Granddaughters (Ilana D. Miller)
St. Petersburg: A Cultural History (Solomon Volkov)
St. Petersburg: A Cultural History (Solomon Volkov)
The Romanovs: The Way It Was (Zoia Belyakova)
The Romanovs: The Way It Was (Zoia Belyakova)
A Romanov Diary: The Autobiography of H.I.& R.H. Grand Duchess George (Grand Duchess Maria Georgievna of Russia)
A Romanov Diary: The Autobiography of H.I.& R.H. Grand Duchess George (Grand Duchess Maria Georgievna of Russia)
Studenten, Liebe, Tscheka Und Tod (Alya Rakhmanova)
Studenten, Liebe, Tscheka Und Tod (Alya Rakhmanova)
The Last Courts of Europe (Jeffrey Finestone)
The Last Courts of Europe (Jeffrey Finestone)
The False Anastasia (Pierre Gilliard)
The False Anastasia (Pierre Gilliard)
Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia: The Eighteenth-Century Nobility (Marc Raeff)
Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia: The Eighteenth-Century Nobility (Marc Raeff)
When Miss Emmie Was in Russia (Harvey Pitcher)
When Miss Emmie Was in Russia (Harvey Pitcher)
Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918 (Helen Azar)
Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters, 1913–1918 (Helen Azar)
Alexei; Russia's Last Imperial Heir: A Chronicle of Tragedy (Margarita Nelipa)
Alexei; Russia's Last Imperial Heir: A Chronicle of Tragedy (Margarita Nelipa)
Nijinsky (Richard Buckle)
Nijinsky (Richard Buckle)
Russian Splendor: Sumptuous Fashions of the Russian Court (Dr. Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky)
Russian Splendor: Sumptuous Fashions of the Russian Court (Dr. Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky)
Princesses on the Wards: Royal Women in Nursing Through Wars and Revolutions (Coryne Hall)
Princesses on the Wards: Royal Women in Nursing Through Wars and Revolutions (Coryne Hall)
An Englishman in the Court of the Tsar (Christine Benagh)
An Englishman in the Court of the Tsar (Christine Benagh)
The Russia That I Loved (Nadine Nabokoff Wonlar-Larsky)
The Russia That I Loved (Nadine Nabokoff Wonlar-Larsky)
The Russian Empire: A Portrait in Photographs (Chloe Obolensky)
The Russian Empire: A Portrait in Photographs (Chloe Obolensky)
Nicholas and Alexandra: The Last Tsar and Tsarina (National Museums of Scotland)
Nicholas and Alexandra: The Last Tsar and Tsarina (National Museums of Scotland)
Nicholas II: The Last Tsar (Marvin Lyons)
Nicholas II: The Last Tsar (Marvin Lyons)
A Gathered Radiance: The Life of Alexandra Romanov, Russia's Last Empress (Nectaria McLees)
A Gathered Radiance: The Life of Alexandra Romanov, Russia's Last Empress (Nectaria McLees)
The Correspondence of the Empress Alexandra of Russia With Ernst Ludwig (Petra H. Kleinpenning)
The Correspondence of the Empress Alexandra of Russia With Ernst Ludwig (Petra H. Kleinpenning)
Dear Ellen (Royal Europe Through the Photo Albums of Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia) (Arturo Beeche)
Dear Ellen (Royal Europe Through the Photo Albums of Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia) (Arturo Beeche)
Fabergé, Lost and Found (A. Kenneth Snowman)
Fabergé, Lost and Found (A. Kenneth Snowman)
Left Behind (Sophie Buxhoeveden)
Left Behind (Sophie Buxhoeveden)
Valse Des Fleurs: A Day in St. Petersburg in 1868 (Sacheverell Sitwell)
Valse Des Fleurs: A Day in St. Petersburg in 1868 (Sacheverell Sitwell)
What Life Was Like in the Time of War and Peace: Imperial Russia, AD 1696-1917 (Time Life Books)
What Life Was Like in the Time of War and Peace: Imperial Russia, AD 1696-1917 (Time Life Books)
Konstantin Makovsky: The Tsar's Painter in America and Paris (Wendy Salmond)
Konstantin Makovsky: The Tsar's Painter in America and Paris (Wendy Salmond)
Postcards From the Russian Revolution (Bodleian Library)
Postcards From the Russian Revolution (Bodleian Library)
The Romanovs Under House Arrest: From the 1917 Diary of a Palace Priest (Afanasy I. Belyaev)
The Romanovs Under House Arrest: From the 1917 Diary of a Palace Priest (Afanasy I. Belyaev)
Romanovs Revisited 1860-1960 (David William Cripps)
Romanovs Revisited 1860-1960 (David William Cripps)
The Romanovs: Family of Faith and Charity (Maria Maximova)
The Romanovs: Family of Faith and Charity (Maria Maximova)
Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova (Laurel Snyder & Julie Morstad)
Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova (Laurel Snyder & Julie Morstad)
History of Russian Costume From the Eleventh to the Twentieth Century (T.S. Aleshina)
History of Russian Costume From the Eleventh to the Twentieth Century (T.S. Aleshina)
The Princess of Siberia (Christine Sutherland)
The Princess of Siberia (Christine Sutherland)
Theater Street (Tamara Karsavina)
Theater Street (Tamara Karsavina)
The Man Who Killed Rasputin (Greg King)
The Man Who Killed Rasputin (Greg King)
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