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Bookriot's Fiction and Non-Fiction Book Pairings

Quoted from Kristen McQuinn's Bookriot article: 'I like to match fiction and nonfiction books that have similar themes and read those at the same time. Whether the pairings make sense to anyone else is usually irrelevant, but I think mostly they are pretty logical. Making these book pairings helps me stay on track with my reading because they are subjects I would be interested in anyway, but the nonfiction side helps to bolster the story line of the novel if I am reading them together. It just works for me, and it helps things move along faster.'
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Radiance (Catherynne M. Valente)
Radiance (Catherynne M. Valente)
Death by Black Hole (Neil Degrasse Tyson)
Death by Black Hole (Neil Degrasse Tyson)
The Last Hours (Minette Walters)
The Last Hours (Minette Walters)
The Great Mortality (John Kelly)
The Great Mortality (John Kelly)
The Scarlet Forest: A Tale of Robin Hood (A. E. Chandler)
The Scarlet Forest: A Tale of Robin Hood (A. E. Chandler)
The Long, Long Life of Trees (Fiona Stafford)
The Long, Long Life of Trees (Fiona Stafford)
The Bees
The Bees
Honeybee Democracy (Thomas D. Seeley)
Honeybee Democracy (Thomas D. Seeley)
The House of Erzulie (Kirsten Imani Kasai)
The House of Erzulie (Kirsten Imani Kasai)
Cajun Folktales (JJ Reneaux)
Cajun Folktales (JJ Reneaux)
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane (Katherine Howe)
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane (Katherine Howe)
Six Women of Salem (Marilynne Roach)
Six Women of Salem (Marilynne Roach)
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