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Book Riot's 50+ Must-Read Portal Fantasy Books - Page 2

"In portal fantasy, a person is transported from one world to another by some sort of magic, usually (but not always!) through a specific place or object such as a wardrobe, rabbit hole, or mirror. Most often, a child or children travel from our world to another, magical world…but sometimes the travel is between dimensions, sometimes the traveler(s) are adults, and sometimes time travel looks a lot like portal fantasy. I have used a fairly broad definition of portal fantasy here, and divided portal fantasy books roughly by age range as well as including a few classic titles to help you get an idea of what we're talking about when we say must-read portal fantasy."
483 users · 2,150 views
from · made by AnnaBoots
avg. score: 6 of 55 (10%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 

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Beautiful Wreck (Larissa Brown)
Beautiful Wreck (Larissa Brown)
The Buried Life (Recoletta, #1) (Carrie Patel)
The Buried Life (Recoletta, #1) (Carrie Patel)
California Bones (Greg Van Eekhout)
California Bones (Greg Van Eekhout)
Chronin (Alison Wilgus)
Chronin (Alison Wilgus)
A Darker Shade of Magic (V.E. Schwab)
A Darker Shade of Magic (V.E. Schwab)
Dead Things (Stephen Blackmoore)
Dead Things (Stephen Blackmoore)
The Ghost Bride (Yangsze Choo)
The Ghost Bride (Yangsze Choo)
The Invisible Library (Genevieve Cogman)
The Invisible Library (Genevieve Cogman)
Kindred (Octavia Butler)
Kindred (Octavia Butler)
Midnight Robber (Nalo Hopkinson)
Midnight Robber (Nalo Hopkinson)
NOS4R2 (Joe Hill)
NOS4R2 (Joe Hill)
Rosewater (Tade Thompson)
Rosewater (Tade Thompson)
The Ten Thousand Doors of January (Alix E. Harrow)
The Ten Thousand Doors of January (Alix E. Harrow)
The True Queen (Zen Cho)
The True Queen (Zen Cho)
Un Lun Dun (China Mieville)
Un Lun Dun (China Mieville)
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