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BFI - 10 Great Revolutionary Films of the 1960s

"These were revolutionary times. As new waves broke across the film world and colonial independence movements sparked popular unrest in Europe and the US, filmmakers under the influence of Bertolt Brecht, Frantz Fanon and their own particular brand of socialism began using the moving image to expose, theorise and incite.
Numerous agit-prop cabals sprang up, among them Godard's Dziga Vertov Group, Cinegiornali Liberi in Italy, the Revolutionary Cinema movement in Turkey, the Art Theatre Guild in Japan, the Newsreel Collective in the United States, the Imperfect Cinema movement in Cuba and Grupo Cine Liberación in Argentina.
This dialogue with history retains its relevance five decades on – as these 10 explosive films testify. These explosive films from around the globe embody the defiant, radical energy of the 1960s".
59 users · 200 views
from · made by Anthony
avg. score: 1 of 10 (10%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Barren Lives (1963)
Barren Lives (1963)
Black God, White Devil (1964)
Black God, White Devil (1964)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
A Film Like Any Other (1968)
A Film Like Any Other (1968)
The Girls (1968)
The Girls (1968)
The Hour of the Furnaces (1968)
The Hour of the Furnaces (1968)
Mandabi (1968)
Mandabi (1968)
Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
Blood of the Condor (1969)
Blood of the Condor (1969)
Man on Horseback (1969)
Man on Horseback (1969)
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