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Best Weird Science Fiction Books

No matter how weird science fiction gets (and it can get pretty weird), it still always feels like a pale reflection of the incessant nuttiness of the real world.
Maybe I'm looking for a mushroom-and-fusion-fueled Burning Man spaceship that crashes into itself, tossing out stars like confetti.
Barring piloting that actual machine, the books below are a good way to push your brain in new directions. Some you'll like, and some you'll just detest.
You can get away with almost anything in science fiction. Many writers have tried to do exactly that, and a fair number of them went completely off the rails. Fortunately, a number of hardy, warped souls were able to put together conspicuously strange tales that are still readable, from Meiville's magic to Dick's drug-fueled insanity.
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from · made by Dan1066
avg. score: 1 of 17 (6%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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All of an Instant (Richard Garfinkle)
All of an Instant (Richard Garfinkle)
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
The Eleven Million Mile High Dancer (Carol De Chellis Hill)
The Eleven Million Mile High Dancer (Carol De Chellis Hill)
The Butterfly Kid (Chester Anderson)
The Butterfly Kid (Chester Anderson)
Panda Ray (Kandel)
Panda Ray (Kandel)
Passing for Human (Jody Scott)
Passing for Human (Jody Scott)
The Tsaddik of the Seven Wonders (Isidore Haiblum)
The Tsaddik of the Seven Wonders (Isidore Haiblum)
House of Stairs (William Sleator)
House of Stairs (William Sleator)
Gone Away World
Gone Away World
Flesh and Gold (Phyllis Gotlieb)
Flesh and Gold (Phyllis Gotlieb)
Time Snake and Superclown (Vincent King)
Time Snake and Superclown (Vincent King)
Perdido Street Station
Perdido Street Station
The Mount (Carol Emshwiller)
The Mount (Carol Emshwiller)
A Maze of Death (Philip K Dick)
A Maze of Death (Philip K Dick)
Dhalgren (Samuel R Delany)
Dhalgren (Samuel R Delany)
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott
This Book Is Full of Spiders
This Book Is Full of Spiders
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