Best Prequel Movies, Ranked by MovieWeb
"Some of the best movies have been prequels to other popular movies. In fact, all of the movies on this list are prequels to popular franchises. From horror franchises like Alien to sci-fi ones like the Star Wars movies, the following list of prequels are all great nods to a successful franchise. While all of these prequels have proven successful, the question still poses whether or not fans really like prequels. To some, fans find prequels often fall short of the audience's expectations and are simply just a means to capitalize on an already popular money-maker. For others, though, prequels offer insights into characters that were not explained within the original franchise. Whether or not prequels are a fan favorite, some, like the Clint Eastwood Western films The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly, are arguably some of the best films ever created. While this is a short version of what could be a very long list, here are some of the best prequel films, ranked." -
avg. score: 6 of 10 (64%)
required scores: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9