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Best Environmental Books: Lithub's 350 Books to Start Your Climate Change Library - Page 9

Lithub's list is divided into four parts: The Classics, The Science, The Novels and Poems, and The Ideas. They are listed here together by popularity. Find inspiring (and terrifying) books to confront a warming world.
101 users · 2,100 views
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avg. score: 10 of 350 (3%)
required scores: 1, 2, 6, 9, 18 

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Telling Our Way to the Sea (Aaron Hirsch)
Telling Our Way to the Sea (Aaron Hirsch)
The Climate Swerve (Robert Jay Lifton)
The Climate Swerve (Robert Jay Lifton)
The Colors of Nature: Culture, Identity and the Natural World (Lauret E. Savoy, Alison H. Deming)
The Colors of Nature: Culture, Identity and the Natural World (Lauret E. Savoy, Alison H. Deming)
The Completionist (Siobhan Adcock)
The Completionist (Siobhan Adcock)
The Discovery of Global Warming (Spencer Weart)
The Discovery of Global Warming (Spencer Weart)
The Edge of Memory (Patrick Nunn)
The Edge of Memory (Patrick Nunn)
The Ends of the World (Déborah Danowski, Eduardo Viveiros De Castro)
The Ends of the World (Déborah Danowski, Eduardo Viveiros De Castro)
The Ethics of Climate Change (James Garvey)
The Ethics of Climate Change (James Garvey)
The Future Library (Katie Paterson)
The Future Library (Katie Paterson)
The Great Acceleration (J.R. McNeill and Peter Engelke)
The Great Acceleration (J.R. McNeill and Peter Engelke)
The Invisible Killer: The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution, and How We Can Fight Back (Gary Fuller)
The Invisible Killer: The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution, and How We Can Fight Back (Gary Fuller)
The Northern Forest (David Dobbs and Richard Ober)
The Northern Forest (David Dobbs and Richard Ober)
The Oldest Killed Lake in North America (Hayden Carruth)
The Oldest Killed Lake in North America (Hayden Carruth)
The Rain in the Trees (W. S. Merwin)
The Rain in the Trees (W. S. Merwin)
The Warming Papers (David Archer & Raymond Pierrehumbert, Eds.)
The Warming Papers (David Archer & Raymond Pierrehumbert, Eds.)
The Weather of the Future (Heidi Cullen)
The Weather of the Future (Heidi Cullen)
The White Planet: The Evolution and Future of Our Frozen World (Jean Jouzel, Claude Louris and Dominique Raynaud)
The White Planet: The Evolution and Future of Our Frozen World (Jean Jouzel, Claude Louris and Dominique Raynaud)
Tree Dreams (Kristin Kaye)
Tree Dreams (Kristin Kaye)
Trespass: Ecotone Essayists Beyond the Boundaries of Place, Identity, and Feminism (Various Authors)
Trespass: Ecotone Essayists Beyond the Boundaries of Place, Identity, and Feminism (Various Authors)
Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival (Peter Carter, Elizabeth Woodworth)
Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival (Peter Carter, Elizabeth Woodworth)
Unruly Waters (Sunil Amrith)
Unruly Waters (Sunil Amrith)
Walking the Wrack Line: On Tidal Shifts and What Remains (Barbara Hurd)
Walking the Wrack Line: On Tidal Shifts and What Remains (Barbara Hurd)
Welcome to the Greenhouse (Gordon Van Gelder, Ed.)
Welcome to the Greenhouse (Gordon Van Gelder, Ed.)
We're Doomed, Now What? (Roy Scranton)
We're Doomed, Now What? (Roy Scranton)
What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming (Per Espen Stoknes)
What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming (Per Espen Stoknes)
What We're Fighting for Now Is Each Other (Wen Stephenson)
What We're Fighting for Now Is Each Other (Wen Stephenson)
When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution (Devra Davis)
When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution (Devra Davis)
Writing the Sacred Into the Real (Alison Hawthorne Deming)
Writing the Sacred Into the Real (Alison Hawthorne Deming)
Down to Earth (Bruno Latour)
Down to Earth (Bruno Latour)
Rooted in the Earth (Dianne D Glave)
Rooted in the Earth (Dianne D Glave)
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