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Best Books of the Twenty-First Century - Page 3

This list is generated from 130 "best of" book lists from a variety of great sources. An algorithm is used to create a master list based on how many lists a particular book appears on. Some lists count more than others. I generally trust "best of all time" lists voted by authors and experts over user-generated lists. On the lists that are actually ranked, the book that is 1st counts a lot more than the book that's 100th. If you're interested in the details about how the rankings are generated and which lists are the most important(in my eyes) please check out the list details page. How many have you read?
15,776 users · 37,500 views
avg. score: 16 of 100 (16%)
required scores: 1, 8, 12, 17, 23 

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Page 3 of 3
How Should a Person Be? (Sheila Heti)
How Should a Person Be? (Sheila Heti)
Bartleby & Co. (Enrique Vila-Matas)
Bartleby & Co. (Enrique Vila-Matas)
A Tale of Love and Darkness (Amos Oz)
A Tale of Love and Darkness (Amos Oz)
The Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead)
The Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead)
The Art of Fielding (Chad Harbach)
The Art of Fielding (Chad Harbach)
The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
Old Filth (Jane Gardam)
Old Filth (Jane Gardam)
Dept. of Speculation (Jenny Offill)
Dept. of Speculation (Jenny Offill)
At Last (Edward St. Aubyn)
At Last (Edward St. Aubyn)
Asymmetry (Lisa Halliday)
Asymmetry (Lisa Halliday)
Mortals (Norman Rush)
Mortals (Norman Rush)
American Genius (Lynne Tillman)
American Genius (Lynne Tillman)
Preparation for the Next Life (Atticus Lish)
Preparation for the Next Life (Atticus Lish)
The Great Fire (Shirley Hazzard)
The Great Fire (Shirley Hazzard)
Poems of Paul Celan
Poems of Paul Celan
Days Without End (Sebastian Barry)
Days Without End (Sebastian Barry)
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Stieg Larsson)
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Stieg Larsson)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Simon Armitage (Translator))
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Simon Armitage (Translator))
Homegoing (Yaa Gyasi)
Homegoing (Yaa Gyasi)
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage
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