From the early days of Walt Disney in the 1930s to the current-day blockbusters, animated movies continue to be a big draw for movie-goers worldwide, and a successful franchise can mean big bucks for a studio. Toy Story, South Park, Shrek / Puss In Boots, and Despicable Me / Minions are some of the well-known animated franchises set to release new movie installments over the next 12 months.
Unfortunately, studios have often focused on quantity over quality and have rushed sequels, spin-offs, and reboots to market without paying any mind to script quality. For every high-quality Toy Story 3 and Shrek 2, there are a load of The Land Before Time XIIIs and Pocahontas 2s, as outlined by Screen Rant. To save yourself from being consumed by the hundreds of questionable movies lurking out there in toon-land, we've put together the list below to allow you to explore 10 of the very best animated sequels ever made.